Sunday 27 February 2011

The Canterbury Trip

This is not going to be a funny or witty post, because I have to admit that I am officially smitten. The Canterbury Cathedral is just magical. It's like being in and out of history, there are little doors and secret places and ruins and wonderful Gothic sculptures and funny pagan column capitals. It made me all giddy, how touchable every piece of stone was (I REALLY touched them), how alive the whole place felt. When we walked around the church and got through the cloisters and ended up in the remains of the Monastic Herbarium, I felt I was back in Zsambek, where my love for church ruins have started. The cathedral also has one of the biggest crypt I have ever seen beside the St. Peter's Basilica. And instead of the place becoming a ghost ridden tourist attraction, it is a living place of worship and prayer and research and if that wasn't enough, the Archbishop of Canterbury is the leader of the whole Anglican Church all over the world. And they have Very Reverends and Most Reverends. The Cathedral also has its own jam and fudge brand. That is surely funny.

The houses within the city wall are also pretty old. We had lunch in the house where the Mayflower's charter was signed. Big thing :) Celebrating that, I had American Breakfast and my picture taken in a ship window mirror. Brendon ate pancakes with berries. And more pancakes. And then the end of my eggs and hash browns. And banana smoothies. I had hot chocolate with marshmallows. Then it started to rain and so we came home.

Brendon thought that the city was spooky. Brendon thinks all English cities are spooky.

The nave of the Cathedral and 28 years
 of building work of some poor soul.
Me at cafe whatever

The sculpture which was thrown
 out of a church and ended up there

When even the scaffolding looks marvellous

To remember where we are

The Herbarium


  1. Kölcsey: Huszt

    Bús düledékeiden, Husztnak romvára megállék;
    Csend vala, felleg alól szállt fel az éjjeli hold.
    Szél kele most, mint sír szele kél; s a csarnok elontott
    Oszlopi közt lebegõ rémalak inte felém.
    És mond: Honfi, mit ér epedõ kebel e romok ormán?
    Régi kor árnya felé visszamerengni mit ér?
    Messze jövendõvel komolyan vess öszve jelenkort;
    Hass, alkoss, gyarapíts: s a haza fényre derûl!

    Ez jutott eszembe az utolsó képről...

  2. BB! Tér itt csak schlagwortokra,asszociációkra elég. aussy szemmel,fiatal m.szemmel,vén m.szemmel nem semmi smooky! Itt:Csomorkány,Huszt,Zsámbék/a sarkokban sz.kupacok/:"halálszagú,bús,magyar róna...",bár nem róna:várrom.Centrum és periféria!/Elba-Lajta vonaltól K-re/
    Állványok! Remek! Önarc!Bravúros!/és szép/.Magának mindent látó szeme és meleg szíve van.Humora!Ad vocem h:olvassa el Chaucer:Cantenbury Tales!/ közepe,nálunk:Anjouk/
    Fotózza le a csomorkányi romtemplomot,а потом снимайте церковь во имя Сергия Радонежского /Куликово Поле/!
